How to write a perfect buyer request on Fiverr

  Hey, guys today I am going to show you that what I write in the description while sending the offer to the buyer request on the Fiverr to get the ORDER. Plus I will also show you the few things that you should don't write in the description while sending an offer to the buyer.

How to write a perfect buyer request on Fiverr
How to write a perfect buyer request on Fiverr 

 I am on the buyer requests page on Fiverr. so first of all I'm going to send an offer and I'm going to tell you that which description I write usually in sending the offers to buyers in the buyers request section to get the orders,  so I'm going to send an offer on a request let's see

 "Hi I need a three pages WordPress website for my car business"  let's see it's budget $100, duration three days so it's looking good request let's send an offer on this request.  I'm going to select my gig for this offer, so it's related to the WordPress website so I am going to select my WordPress GIG. I will create a stunning WordPress website so I will select my WordPress website gig and now I'm going to describe here. 

So you can call this description of the offer you are going to send to the buyer.  So I'm going to write a little bit description here for you that I usually use to get the orders while sending the offers plus I'm going to talk about the few things that you should avoid while writing here sending the offer to the buyer. you should avoid these things because these things can make your offer unacceptable. The buyer can reject your offer due to these words. So I will tell you these words also so the first mistake that many sellers do is by writing this word "DEAR".

 You shouldn't have to use the Dear here because this is not the word that we should use to a stranger because now the buyer is a stranger for us we don't know the buyer. there is no name of the buyer here we don't meet the buyer already. We have no contact with this buyer. so this buyer is like a stranger for us. so it's very annoying to say dear to someone that we don't know already. So don't write dear here this is a very annoying thing you shouldn't use this word while sending the offer in the buyer request section. What you should write then? 

Write "Hi" that's ok that's fine you don't need to write dear here keep this thing in your mind this is a very important thing and the next thing that you should avoid is SIR or MADAM or Ma'am. You should avoid these words also because it's no necessity for you to know the gender of the buyer to work with on her or on his project.

How to write a perfect buyer request on Fiverr
How to write a perfect buyer request on Fiverr 

 it's not necessary. Can you tell me what is the gender of this Buyer, Do you have any guess?  even we don't have the profile picture here so saying the wrong gender it's going to cause a very irritating effect and can also make your offer not acceptable. Suppose that this offer is posted by a woman or female and if I say "Hi Sir" and tell me "How much this will cause irritation to her?" 

 because we are saying sir to a female or to a woman. It's not a good practice suppose that this offer is posted by a male and if we say ma'am here then how this will feel to him definitely this is not a good practice this will cause an irritating effect on the buyer and make your offer not acceptable so avoid writing ma'am or sir or madam here.

 It's not necessary for you to discuss the gender of the buyer while sending the offer here.  so write I saw your buyer request related to now the most important partis coming  I saw your buyer request related to - now you will little bit describe here what the buyer want.  if you read this the description of the request and there is I need a three pages WordPress website for my car business so definitely I'm going to summarize these things in just a few words here to let the buyer know that I read his our her request. 

 because there is a lot of complaints from the buyers that sellers don't read their requests and just post the offers without reading what they want.  so it's necessary that you should read the request fully and then summarize those things here that buyer wants so this will also create a confidence in your offer to make it acceptable which links are allowed you can check here  Blogspot allowed.  we transfer allowed is allowed go to the create an account there and upload your portfolio there, you can use we transfer there get a blog there create and upload your past work there and as you can add the link here.

 if you have five-star ratings then it's also good you add the link of your portfolio that's also best so if you don't have the five-star ratings then you will write all till this line you don't write this thing because you don't have reviews and you don't have any five-star ratings so that's important.

 The next thing is that try to explain this line as much as you can. I have eleven years of experience in website building and WordPress, in HTML, in CSS, and javascript so try to explain this line as much as you can. If you are Logo Designer then write that if you are a video animator write that here. So whatever your gig is try to explain your experience here as much as you can okay. 

How to write a perfect buyer request on Fiverr
How to write a perfect buyer request on Fiverr 

Then you will say let's talk to start this project. That's enough. so this is the important thing to try to do this thing this is enough usually send this type of description to get the others in the buyer requests. The main thing I want to say is that when you are writing your description in the offer try to make your first line as attractive as you .so as the buyer needs three pages WordPress website.

so I'm going to write a few things here. so I saw yours buyer request related to building 3 pages WordPress website for car business. That's it it's very important thing because we are repeating the same thing that buyer posted in the request but this is very important this thing will create confidence buyer will come to your offer and when reading your offer buyer will automatically know that you read his request then you read his request fully that is why I repeat this thing to make sure for the buyer that I read his request and that's why I'm repeating these things and I'm saying that I will build a three pages WordPress website.

 the main thing is you will edit this part related to your offer or related to your request suppose that your request is related to building a logo for the car business then you will a type here I saw you're by request related to building a logo for car business suppose that if there is a request like hi I need a video for my car business then you will write I saw your buyer request to create a video for your car business.

 so this is very important to summarize these things here to let the buyer know that you read his or her request.  the next thing you are going to write is 

"I am really interested in your request and will do this job."  "in a hundred dollars in 3 days with unlimited revisions." 

 so make sure to make it also capitalized that's it okay so you are also going to write that I am really interested in your request and will do this job in then you write your budget here suppose that your budget is $50 then you are going to write $50 here and suppose that your budget is $200 then you are going to write $200.

 so here's budget is $100 and I also need the hundred dollars so I will write a hundred dollars here  and if you need five days here then you will type five days if you need eight days then you type eight days. so it is according to your offer that you are doing send. So I'm going to build this website in a hundred dollars in the three days. then I'm going to write these all the things plus I will also add one thing or with unlimited revisions.

so this is a very important thing so I'm going to give unlimited revisions here or you can say seven revisions or you can say eight revisions suppose that I'm going to do this with ten revisions. so I will write ten revisions here whatever how much revisions you are giving just type it. Suppose that I'm giving unlimited revisions then I'm going to type "UNLIMITED". The next thing you are going to do is to clear about your experience. so you are going to say that so it's better to write I have eleven years experience in building websites.

 So you will write your experience here and I have eleven years' experience so I will write eleven years so if you have two years experience five workings experience so be honest - to write your experience and then I will say I have 5-star ratings that you can check on my profile. 

 so this is enough you don't need to write that I am level one seller or I am a level two seller or I'm a top-rated seller. Please don't do this why because on the 15th of every month Fiverr checks the sellers profile  Fiverr checks thee sellers profiles suppose that you have less response rate or delivery on time rate or order completion rate less than 90 percent then Fiverr going to demote you. 

Suppose that you sent an offer on the 14th of the month and you wrote that"Hi, I am a level two seller" and on the 15th of the month due to any mishap Fiverr demoted you then the buyer going to check your offer suppose that on 15 or 16th of the month and come to your profile and see that you are level 1 seller but in the offer you wrote that I am level 2 seller then this will make dishonesty.

 Buyer is going to see that you told a lie because you are saying that you are a level 2 seller but in the profile, there is something else as your profile is showing that you are a level 1 seller so this means you told a lie so this is going to make dishonesty and believe me buyer is not going to even talk with you because you are dishonest you told a lie at the start of the order even.

 So avoid writing the levels here that you are level 1 seller or a level 2 seller or top-rated seller this is not necessary here so don't write it here because Fiverr can any time demote you anytime with any warning or with anything . so due to this will make your offer not acceptable.

 The next thing you're gonna adds as again check my reviews and ratings which are proof of my experience. So this is good still enough we write this here and but I want to add one thing more that if you don't have ratings and reviews if you don't have an order or you don't yet complete any order on the Fiverr. so you don't have the 5-star ratings then it's enough to write till this line.

 I have eleven years of experience you will don't write this thing because you don't have ratings you don't have reviews then this thing is not for you. you will write till this line building the websites  or I want to say right till the experience line you will say I have eleven years experience in logo designing. Then you can add one thing more after this line as you don't have the five-star rating. you can add that I have created this logo then you can show by sharing the link can try to make this line clear, summarize all the things that buyer need in the first line.

 So the buyer can get the idea that you read his or her request fully and you really know what the buyer wants and this is the thing this will place confidence and the buyer will give you the order or contact you. so these are the things that are important don't write DEAR here. Sir or madam here plus don't write that I am the Level One seller or Level 2 seller, these are the things very important. 

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