Top 10 Place to Find Jobs In USA

Hey Guys, Today I will tell you the top 10 places to find jobs in the USA. With the unemployment rate at a record 18-year low, there’s no time like the present to polish up your resume and cover letter and start applying for jobs. But, in some cases, getting hired for a job might largely depend on where you’re located. Here are the 10 best places to find a job in 2020.

Top 10 Place to Find Jobs In USA
 Top 10 Place to Find Jobs In USA

1. San Jose

 San Jose is the U.S.’s top destination for job seekers. The unemployment rate in San Jose is only at 3.3%, and the average annual salary is almost $80,000. It has the lowest competition for jobs. Techies flock to San Jose-based companies such as Apple, Facebook, Cisco, and Google. Some local companies are now hiring remote workers or opening satellite offices in other cities, because of the expense of living in Silicon Valley. Major employers such as the County of Santa Clara and Stanford University can also share some responsibility for San Jose’s status as the best city for job seekers in the entire United States of America. 


2. San Francisco

 The job market in California’s Bay Area is currently at an all-time high, with an unemployment rate of 3.3% and an average salary rate of more than $70,000. Job competition is low, as is the unemployment rate, and people rate companies there highly. However, the high cost of living in the Bay Area leads to a lower ranking for the adjusted salary. Those big money makers are doing well in SanFran’s tourist, health care, education, and biotech industries.

3. Salt Lake City

 Salt Lake City’s housing market is among the strongest in the country. And many large companies and corporations are moving their business and headquarters to Salt Lake City, and that brings with it tons of jobs. There are roughly 30,000 job openings currently listing in Utah this year. According to Glassdoor, that number keeps rising. Work is easy to find, and unemployment is at a very low 2.9%.

4. Seattle

 Seattle is where it’s at for those in the tech industry. Nearly 7% of all jobs in the Emerald City are in tech, and companies such as Amazon, Boeing, and Microsoft are doing much of the hiring. More than half of the people here hold a bachelor’s degree or higher. While one is not especially likely to advance in her or his job in Seattle, salaries are among the highest in the nation. If you’re thinking of moving to Seattle to grow your company with skilled, competent workers, Seattle is fertile ground.

5. Washington, D.C.

Washington D.C. is also rich in opportunities at this moment. While opportunities in the nation’s capital had been limited for some time, they have really opened up recently. The federal government and the public school system are the city’s biggest employers and offer some of its highest salaries. While jobs are plentiful in this place, salaries are on the lower side, especially for those in the public sector, but it does rank highly for job security and promotions.

6. Indianapolis

 Indianapolis is one of the most affordable big cities in the country, and it’s flush with extraordinary neighborhoods. With a business-friendly climate, Indianapolis is a great place to grow your career or explore a new professional path. In recent years the city has also emerged as a surprising tech hub, with many budding startups and tech companies choosing Indianapolis for their home base. 

The outlook for healthcare and social services has seen the most positive increase in the last decade, with jobs growing by more thana third. Other strong industries in the city include advanced manufacturing, finance and insurance, and information technology.

7. Minneapolis

 If you’re in the personal care industry but prefer snow to the sun, you may want to migrate to Minneapolis. Minneapolis and its twin city (St. Paul) serve as the base of operations for multiple international companies. Though medical device production is the main driver behind the economy in Minneapolis, this city also "offers opportunities in a wide variety of industries including insurance, finance, education, graphic design, and high-tech". Moreover, Minneapolis is number one on the list of bike-friendly cities in America, with 10,000 cyclists using the bike lanes each day.

8. Pittsburgh

 More than 20 years ago, Pittsburgh lost its younger population to other metro areas due to a poor job market. Now, they are returning, thanks to affordable housing and job growth. The economic focus has shifted to technology, healthcare, medicine, art or media, and education. Approximately 10% of the workforce is employed by the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center and affiliates, making it the largest employer in the city. If you're thinking of moving to Pittsburgh without a job, there are several great resources when job hunting in Pittsburgh. With job openings are about 92,000, an unemployment rate of 4.6%, we imagine there is a lot of smiley face emojis circling around this town.

9. Boston

 Job seekers in Boston face low unemployment and low competition for jobs, and the companies in the city are fairly well. As the country’s center of higher education, those in that field are well employed in Boston. Nearly half of all young adults in Boston hold at least a bachelor’s degree, and 6.4% of its workforce is in education, training, and library-related fields. Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston Children’sHospital, and Brigham and Women’s Hospital are some of the city’s most prolific employers. Average annual salaries are well above the national average at more than $64,000.

10. Birmingham

 Birmingham is a metropolitan area born from the iron and steel industry. But it has recently gained traction as a health-care hub, 8.6% of citizens have jobs in the health-care practitioners and technical sector. The city ranks at the top for adjusted salary, likely due to the city’s affordable housing prices and low cost of living. Workers in Birmingham rate companies relatively highly, and face slightly more competition for jobs, potentially making it easier for employers to find talent here.

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